Villa Godi Malinverni

the first villa by Andrea Palladio

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Villa Godi Malinverni is situated strategically, allowing you to include into your itinerary other magical, and almost impossible to find, atmospheres within short distances. Discover the charm of castles, villas and historical town centers ...
See more Itineraries and Guided Tours recommended by Villa Godi Malinverni
Villa Giusti Suman Take a brief cultural stop at Zugliano and visit Villa Giusti Suman.
Castello di Thiene In the heart of the historical center of Thiene, you will find the magnificent castle-like mansion Porto-Colleoni-Thiene, a dwelling that combines a  Gothic style  castle with the lavish homes of Venice. Here you can admire a beautiful room frescoed by Giambattista Zelotti and Antonio Fasolo, and don’t forget the magnificent stables built in the  eighteenth century.
Antico Maglio di Breganze

Take the time to visit the Antique Hammer in the town of Breganze, and in this splendid land of DOC winemaking do some wine tasting in one of the many local wineries, it’s a must!

Marostica - Piazza degli Scacchi Still only a few kilometers away you can enjoy the beauty of the small medieval town of Marostica, with its ancient walls connecting the Upper and Lower Castles. The famous Piazza Castello,  better known as "Chessboard Square", thrills us with the very famous chess match using living characters, every second weekend of September in the even years.
Bassano del Grappa Finally, the city of Bassano del Grappa is waiting for you with its streets full of history, monuments and palaces; such as the historic Ponte degli Alpini and locations connected to the Great Wars. Museums such as the Civic Museum displaying the largest collection of paintings by Jacopo da Ponte, or Palazzo Sturm in which are set up two museums, the museum of Ceramics and Remondini, dedicated to the press.

For a perfect day with Palladio try starting with a visit to the splendid Olympic Theatre in Vicenza, a relaxing lunch in the beautiful surroundings of Villa Godi Malinverni, then set off for Maser to discover another pearl of this great architect.

See more Itineraries and Guided Tours recommended by Villa Godi Malinverni
Finally an app for when you are visit Palladio and his first opera, Villa Godi Malinverni, 1542.
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From May to September
Tuesday: 15 to 19
Saturday: 9 to 14
Sunday and holidays: 10 - 19

March, April,
October and November

Tuesday: 14 to 18
Saturday: 9 to 14
Sunday and holidays: 14 - 18

After booking you can request a group visit, even in periods other than those specified

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Phone: +393393429942
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