Villa Godi Malinverni

the first villa by Andrea Palladio

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Villa Godi Malinverni
Palladium's Friends Group - Choose the LOGO
We ask everyone to participate in the project; you can help us to choose the Logo, the immage that will be associate to Palladium's Friends Gruop

LOGO Associazione Amici di Palladio

This is only the first step that will allow us to start this new project that brings the heritage of our land, silent guardian of our history, to become shared and lived.
The funds raised will be directed towards an all maintenance and restoration of museum sections and organize a free access of the Palladian architectural monuments for schools and educational groups,
Hystory and Cultur for everyone


follow up communications for the opening of registrations, we are waiting!
The program of activities will start in January 2014 with countless initiatives.

Thank for the partnership!
  << Back to list roberta - 2013-09-25 
Finally an app for when you are visit Palladio and his first opera, Villa Godi Malinverni, 1542.
App Villa Godi per Android App Villa Godi per IPhone e Ipad
You can now find free information about the Vicenza area, from the food and wine to the local craftswork
Virtual Tour of Villa Godi Malinverni
Visit Guide in PDF
Guida in ItalianoEnglishEspanolDeutschFrancais
NEW! Visit Guide for tablet AND smartphone
Guida in ItalianoEnglishEspanolDeutschFrancais

From May to September
Tuesday: 15 to 19
Saturday: 9 to 14
Sunday and holidays: 10 - 19

March, April,
October and November

Tuesday: 14 to 18
Saturday: 9 to 14
Sunday and holidays: 14 - 18

After booking you can request a group visit, even in periods other than those specified

Phone: +390445860358
Phone: +393393429942
Skype: villagodi
E-Mail *
Enter the amount 5 + 6
Villa Godi Malinverni
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© 2009 - 2013 Villa Godi Malinverni - Venetian Villa in Lugo di Vicenza (VI)