Villa Godi Malinverni

the first villa by Andrea Palladio

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Villa Godi Malinverni
"Verso Monet" is the second chapter of the exhibition in Verona and Vicenza, this time dedicated to the history of the landscape in Europe and America from the seventeenth to the twentieth century. This exhibition aims to tell the study of nature in the seventeenth century, to arrive at the water lilies painted by Claude Monet in the early part of the twentieth century.
How to Verona is expected to show
divided into sections that describe the fundamental moments related to the narrative of nature as made ​​autonomous and independent of the inclusion of the figures.

To complete a visit to the city of Vicenza we suggest a visit to Villa Godi Malinverni, first designed by Andrea Palladio in 1542.
Inside the villa you will discover the beautiful portraits of Venetian landscapes, with Gualtiero Padovano first great landscape Vicenza, who was left inside of this beautiful villa images that depict life in the Venetian hinterland, to complete the visit with Zelotti and its beautiful classic portraits.

To have a short and concise vision of jewel Villa Godi Malinverni has published a virtual tour that allows you to see a preview of the beauty of some of the rooms.

To complete the tour, architecture, frescoed rooms, in the fossil museum and the park will offer the following services on request:
- Service restaurant, reservation email to, menu De.Co. with local produce from € 23,00
- Guide service in Italian
- Service tasting DOC Breganze
- Service tasting local produce craft "For Palladio"
- Service tea break

Inside the dwelling is also always open the corner "For Palladio" and the bar and coffee shop with wifi service to allow all the tourists a peaceful immersed in the setting of a hill in the past.

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Finally an app for when you are visit Palladio and his first opera, Villa Godi Malinverni, 1542.
App Villa Godi per Android App Villa Godi per IPhone e Ipad
You can now find free information about the Vicenza area, from the food and wine to the local craftswork
Virtual Tour of Villa Godi Malinverni
Visit Guide in PDF
Guida in ItalianoEnglishEspanolDeutschFrancais
NEW! Visit Guide for tablet AND smartphone
Guida in ItalianoEnglishEspanolDeutschFrancais

From May to September
Tuesday: 15 to 19
Saturday: 9 to 14
Sunday and holidays: 10 - 19

March, April,
October and November

Tuesday: 14 to 18
Saturday: 9 to 14
Sunday and holidays: 14 - 18

After booking you can request a group visit, even in periods other than those specified

Phone: +390445860358
Phone: +393393429942
Skype: villagodi
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Villa Godi Malinverni
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© 2009 - 2013 Villa Godi Malinverni - Venetian Villa in Lugo di Vicenza (VI)